Sunday, April 01, 2007

a new start

so, tomorrow, april 2 i start the south beach diet officially.
today we spent time shopping and preparing stuff for the oncoming week. i will be cooking for both of us - something i didn't have much confidence in before - especially with chef H in the house. but i'm excited about it.

i've got my vitamins, calcium and protien supplements and logs ready for both meal plans and exercise. walking along with curves and some other small weight training at home.

as far as the pre-work for the surgery that still has to be done, i have testing to do yet, and the psych eval. but that's pretty much it!

i've been doing a lot of visualization lately. i feel like i'm in a good place.

i have a lot to be thankful for.


Mississippi Songbird said...

I've wondered about that diet. The food looks great..
You'll do wonderfully!
I need to start exercising and dieting...

Anonymous said...

South Beach is actually pretty easy to follow. I might start with you tomorrow -- who knows! :-)

Sending you good vibes in any case...


rebecca said...

mmmm. quiche cups turned out great.

lots of food on this diet. i may turn out to be an OK cook after all!

Anonymous said...

I need to get back to South Beach again. I've just gotten lazy the past few weeks - and it shows on the scale.

I'm going out to the kitchen now and make some of the quiche cups!

Good luck and let us know how you're doing!