Monday, February 05, 2007

It Snows In Buffalo

it sure is pretty, isn't it? this view is from inside our garage looking out to our yard yesterday evening. if you notice the yellow sign, you can see the snow is almost to the bottom of the sign.

the view below is from our bedroom window looking out to our deck. the deck wall is about 3 ft tall. the snow is almost to it!

this is another view yesterday of our cars covered in snow. it got worse, and they looked like snowdrifts this morning.

i knew this about buffalo when moving here to be with H. and it is beautiful most of the time, especially in summer. winters were worse in erie. the plowing was nonexistent there, and it was horrible trying to get around. at least here in the buffalo area, they have great road/plowing crews and are very good at what they do. we did have a travel ban last night in our town. but now, we're allowed to go out.

H shoveled a path to his car, and began trying to shovel out his car and part of the driveway. luckily (with his rhematoid arthritis and diabetes it makes it very hard on him) a neighbor two doors down came over with his shovel to help, and another came with a snowblower, too. they got H's car and a good path cleared before the blower ran out of gas. oh well. my car is still covered completely, but H got his out and was able to go to work.

i'm sitting here waiting for the heating and cooling guy to call because our furnace hasn't been working properly all weekend. it gets down to 57 degrees inside...sometimes we can override the thermostat, but it doesn't get much warmer than 65. we like to keep it at 68 when we're in the house. no blowing. no heat. we have some space heaters in the kitchen where the dogs are, and the cats are smart enough to snuggle under the blankets in the bedroom.

i knew winters were rough in buffalo. and since i've been here, it really hasn't been bad until now. my 3rd year here.

though i would love to move to a warmer climate, i don't see that ever happening. oh well! at least i know people across the country and can go visit!!!

alright...enough complaining for now. i'm going for more coffee.


Mississippi Songbird said...

Those are beautiful photos.. It does look so cold though. Keep warm..

rebecca said...

oh yes, cold cold cold. and the frickin furnace....GUH!

thanks for the hugs! **HUG**

Anonymous said...

The snow looks beautiful, but I know it can become a pain after a while. Hope you get the furnace fixed quickly - hope it's something simple and inexpensive too - like maybe just a thermostat or a loose connection. It's nice that you have neighbors who were willing to help. I think that's pretty rare anymore and that's sad.

You can come down to Georgia and visit any time you want!

David said...

Good lord - get that furnace fixed! Make Hank the Handyman trek through the snow! brrrrrrrrr!