Friday, January 25, 2008

Memes Galore!

another MEME!!

i got this from missisippi songbird.

Here it is. Tell 7 random things about myself and then tag 7 more people. I'm going to tag seven. You can do this at your leisure or not do it at all. it's up to you..It's just a little thing to get to know you better..

1.) I once met Brett Michaels from Poison with Pamela Anderson (before she was lee, rock, lee or whomever she's married to now). in college at pitt, i was friends with a girl from mechanicsburg, pa. she went to high school with brett szichek (michaels). my friend trish and i went home with her one thanksgiving holiday (my aunt lived in nearby lancaster) and went out to a bar where all her high school friends hung out. in walks brett michaels and pamela anderson. everyone ignored them except trish and i. we walked over to say hi. they were very, very nice and sweet. we went back to the table where my friend and her friends were, and they threw bar napkins at us with fake autographs like "all the best, jimmy page" and "you're my favorite groupie! love, robert plant" as they tried to make fun of us.

2.) i have gone to the University of Pittsburgh, The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and Duquesne University. I have about 6 or 7 years of college under my belt. but, due to transferring, and changing majors so many times, i have no degree. sigh.

3.) i lived in Uniontown, PA. yes, gulp, i did. i like to call it the armpit of pennsylvania. horrible place to live. and so close to west virginia (which i'm sure is a lovely state).

4.) i was married once before. (thus, living in uniontown) short marriage. it was one of those times that i was comparing myself to everyone else i knew and was hanging out with at the time. i felt behind. everyone was getting married, or had been married and was having kids...and i had not even a prospect. then i met him, he proposed 2 wks later, and 4 wks later i moved in. we got married in marthas vineyard. seeing marthas vineyard was the best thing about the 3yr union.

5.) i didn't talk to my parents for 2 yrs while living around the corner from them for almost a year. long story short...i wanted to move to chicago and was interviewing for jobs in chicago...and my parents basically told me i was stupid for leaving my current job (one i hated, but i loved the company) and it was the stupidest decision i'd make. unfortunately, the chicago thing didn't work out. but, neither did my relationship with my parents for 2 yrs. mom was treating me like one of her patients (she was a social worker and a therapist.) and i needed a mom. for all you mom's out there - never stop being a mom.

6.) i'm an only child. hated it growing up. always linked myself with friends who had big families. i loved being around big families. now i'm a part of one! married a middle boy out of 6 total kids. so many neices and nephews! i love it. a dream come true.

7.) i've never broken a bone in my body. well, that's not really true. my best friend, trish, while at a gathering when we were in 10th grade, came up behind me and proceeded to knee me in the ass. yup, broken tailbone. she didn't mean to do it, she was actually trying to miss but got too excited or something. LOL. they can't do anything for a broken tailbone at 15. no xrays, nothing. so, my ass hurts sometimes when it rains or is really cold. go figure.

this was a lot harder than i thought! i am feeling quite uninteresting.

oh well. here's who i'm tagging.


if you all don't want to do this, or don't have the time - it's fine. i happen to love memes, and i know not everyone does.


Beanie said...

I love your choices of random facts! I love the Brett Michaels story.

OK, I promise to meme, but not until this grant is in. And I have to figure out if I actually have seven friends. And if they've been tagged or not. lol

Mississippi Songbird said...

I too loved the Brett Michaels story. Those that threw the napkins were just jealous.. Like they are about my autographed photo of Donny and Marie..:lol:

Oh, and sorry about your tailbone..Ouch. that must have hurt something awful..
You've had sme intersting stuff in your life.. Thanks for letting us know a little more about it.. Have a blessed Sunday,Sweety! Bunches of hugs!

Mermaid Melanie said...

great random facts! I will try to get mine up by the end of the week sweet woman.

always nice hearing things about others xo

Anonymous said...

I did mine a few days ago. Come over to my blog and enter my giveaway drawing.

Mermaid Melanie said...

Done! go readzies....