Tuesday, March 06, 2007


i stole this idea from cathy's blog. (blueherondruid at druidlabs)

please read the petition here http://www.petitiononline.com/SIR2007r/petition.html and sign it. this means more to me than i can express in words here.

please help us.


The CEO said...

I even posted about it, and Claudia has already signed the petition. I'm just saying.

Drizel said...

i wanna sign for you, but battle to get link to work...will keep on trying:)

Drizel said...

:( not american citizen, cant sign, will send good karma...
Best of luck:)

rebecca said...

thank you! everyone!
(yes, that isn't really a link, you have to cut and paste into your browswer to get to the petition. i'm tech-challenged, so i don't know how to "link" on my blog yet.)

Claudia said...

I also sent it to another friend of mine (non blogger)...he listens to them anytime he's on the computer and signed!

Mississippi Songbird said...

Let Us all Unite in this fight..
